Hello, friends!
Welcome to the new monthly edition of The Sunny Pages!
(If you missed the announcement about the change, there’s more info here.)
I keep a folder called “Wisdom” on my computer desktop. Any time I run across a snippet that resonates with me, I grab a screenshot and tuck it away in that folder. When I feel like I want a little guidance in my life, I open that folder and read what’s there.
Last March I grabbed this terrific bit from Shonda Rhimes on her Instagram feed.
Three words to live by: Just do stuff. Really, just do stuff. Do the things you want to do now. Take your chances. Live an interesting life! Live a full, vital life! Don’t live a life that’s “careful.” A careful life is a life not lived.
Because I’m telling you, you’re not going to be more willing to drop everything and go backpacking 15 years from now. 😂 So if you want to travel, do it! If you want to pivot, and change the direction of your life, make it happen.
Even if it’s as small as changing up your look or wardrobe. Because baby steps count.
Just do stuff.
Such a simple, but powerful message.
Last year I took her advice. 🙂
In January I mentioned that I was writing a book. I was writing it with my husband (he’s a professional writer) and that took the pressure off and made it less scary. It was my ONE THING for 2024.
But then it didn’t happen.
We decided to move across country, and that took a ton of time.
So much time!
That move cut into my husband’s writing time. He had deadlines he had to meet, and we needed to set our mystery aside. I hope we’ll get back to it, but I (re)read Shonda’s post and decided not to let this setback derail me from my ONE THING.
Just do stuff.
So - training wheels off - I wrote a book by myself!
And I loved the process even more than I ever thought I would!
I finished the first draft in December, and then I spent the last two months polishing it, and revising it, and making it the best I possibly can.
Now. . . I wait.
I sent the manuscript to an agent, and she’s deciding if she wants to represent it.
While I wait? I’m not twiddling my thumbs. I’m planning my next book. 😁
So what does all this have to do with quilting and sewing and embroidery and crochet?
Not much. 😂
Except that books (and food) - along with quilting and sewing and embroidery and crochet - are things that make my world feel shiny and happy. I’ve always included little bits about them in my newsletters, and you all have always said they’re some of your favorite bits. (They’re certainly almost always the most-clicked links.) So I’ll keep you updated on my progress!
In the meantime, my advice to you this month is. . .
Just Do Stuff!
Happy March!
There are new free downloads of wallpaper for all your devices.
As always, you can get it wide and tall (to fit different devices) and with or without the March calendar.
Get the free downloads here.
But wait! There’s more!
Also new this month - a handy dandy one-sheet you can use to change the eyes on your applique patterns. You can add the eyelashes to the oval eyes I use in almost all my patterns, or you can replace those ovals with sleepy, peaceful, closed eyes, or happy, scrunched-up, smiling eyes.
Get all the details (and the download) here.
Have fun with it!
I’m already thinking ahead to next month’s calendar, and I know I want to do a chicken. But should it be a hen or a rooster?
Here’s a double dose of awesomeness from the Shiny Happy People group!
Look at this spectacular quilt that Katie made for her grandson who loves reptiles! I love everything about it - the bright colors, the collection of blocks, the name in the center, the perfect prints she chose for the appliques - it’s all just awesome!
Click through to see a video tour too, so you can get a closer view of a lot of the blocks.
And here’s another beauty - this one made by Kris! She did a few things to make her quilt extra special. First, she added adorable baby versions of a lot of the animals. (There’s a tutorial here showing how to do that.) Second, she added sashing around all the blocks. (I do all the math for added sashing in all the sizes here.) Third, she used velveteen for that sashing. So lush and gorgeous!
Head over to the Shiny Happy People group on Facebook to see lots more wonderfulness people are making with my patterns—and to ask questions and share photos of your own projects. It’s my favorite place on the internet.
Here’s what I’m working on right now. . .
Pets Bundle: the last block I need to release this bundle is the turtle, and I’m working on samples now. That’ll be released some time this month.
Lunar Zodiac Bundle - I’ve designed (or updated) patterns for the last three animals needed (rat, sheep, and rooster) so now I just need to make samples and write the pattern. The rooster is actually a mix & match chicken pattern to allow you to make hens too. 🥰
New Farm Animals Bundle - lots of animals in the Noisy Farm quilt pattern already have new and improved versions. I’m working on the rest!
Bodies/Clothes for existing animal head patterns - still sketching and early testing
Side gig - as mentioned above, I wrote a book! I left out the flailing Muppet arms above, but I’m mentioning them here. 😂 Status - waiting to hear back from an agent.
That’s the end of the newsletter for free subscribers. Thanks so much for reading - and I hope you have a fabulous week!
If you’re a paid subscriber - keep reading to get your 50% off discount code below my signature. 🥰
Happy stitching!