Hello, friends!
Last week I told you about a company who has stolen several of my embroidery designs and is using them in clothing they sell. 😡
Thank you so much for all your support and kind words!
A lot of you asked if I would name the company so you could make sure not to support them. I appreciate that, but I’ve decided to pursue legal action, so naming them publicly isn’t something I should do right now. I will tell you that their clothing is very expensive (think $100-200 t-shirts, $200-400 blouses, and $300-700 everyday dresses) which I feel like puts them out of the normal buying habits of most of this group. 😁
One way you can help is to notify the maker if you ever see something that you think might be copyright infringement. None of us have the time (or inclination) to go looking for theft, and you all telling us when you see our work out there in a maybe-not-okay way is so very helpful! Almost all the copyright infringement I’ve ever caught has been because it was advertised to a reader, and they told me about it.
I’ve learned a LOT about copyright in the last two weeks, and one of the main things I’ve learned is that I’m doing it all wrong. 🙄
Registering your copyright is expensive, but it gives you much better protection under the law. I never realized just how much better, but I know now. 🙁
The cost can be reduced greatly if you register collections of ten works at a time, but that registration has to happen before those works are published. That’s going to radically change how I release my patterns.
Instead of having something new for you almost every week, I’ll be stitching away in the background until I have a batch of work to register with the copyright office, and then I’ll be able to release it to you.
I’ll still be designing and updating patterns at the same general rate. The only thing that will change is the rate at which you see them.
That’s got some significant implications for the way I’ve been handing the newsletter - especially paid subscriptions to the newsletter.
Moving forward, paid subscribers will receive a discount code every month good for 50% off everything in the shop. Use it as many times as you like, all month long.
Paid subscribers will also be able to enter drawings where I give away samples of what I’ve been working on. Mostly that will be batches of color-coordinated individual quilt blocks, ready to be assembled into a quilt.
If you signed up and paid for a yearly subscription because I was offering a very different set of rewards, and the new set of rewards no longer appeals to you, please just get in touch with me! I’ll be able to cancel your paid subscription and offer you a pro-rated refund for any time remaining on your subscription. No questions asked. No judgement. No hard feelings. You can just reply to this email.
The newsletter release schedule will change too.
Instead of coming every Monday, the main Shiny Happy News will now come on the first day of every month. It will always include a free download for a new calendar wallpaper for the month, a peek at what I’m working on, awesome customer projects, and more.
Every Wednesday you’ll get the Five Happy Things newsletter - links to five things (usually books, recipes, or inspiring creativity) bringing me joy right now.
Every Friday you’ll get the Oldies But Goodies - a sliver of the Shiny Happy World archives - mostly free patterns and tutorials.
You can always change which newsletters you receive by clicking this link. In the Notifications section, choose which mailings you do and don’t want. Easy peasy!
Thanks so much for your patience as I figure out a new way of releasing my work!
No new pattern this week (because copyright), but I do have something new-ish for you!
Several years ago I had a class on Teachable called Think BIG! In it we learned how to make GIANT appliques. I discontinued the class on Teachable, but someone asked about it recently in the Shiny Happy People Group and I decided to bring it back as free tutorials at Shiny Happy World.
Yay! 🎉
You can find the first post here.
I show a few samples
a large applique floor pillow
an applique quilt with a giant medallion block in the center
a wall hanging/poster
a napping quilt that’s one giant applique.
That post has links to the other two posts in the series.
Have fun with it!
Here’s your weekly dose of awesomeness from the Shiny Happy People group!
Look at these four gorgeous quilts that Diane made to send to western North Carolina! I spy lots of animals from the Woodland Critters, Safari Bundle, Cuddly Cats, and Lovable Mutts patterns - but also lots of individual blocks all put together in really fun collections!
Head over to the Shiny Happy People group on Facebook to see lots more wonderfulness people are making with my patterns—and to ask questions and share photos of your own projects. It’s my favorite place on the internet.
Here’s what I’m working on right now. . .
Pets Bundle: updating the turtle block - the last one needed for release
Lunar Zodiac Bundle - the last three blocks (rat, sheep, and rooster - the rooster will also have a hen option)
New Farm Animals Bundle - lots of animals in the Noisy Farm quilt pattern already have new and improved versions. I’m working on the rest!
Bodies/Clothes for existing animal head patterns - sketching and early testing
Top Secret Project - I mentioned a thing (a very big-to-me thing) in the newsletter last year and then never mentioned it again. That doesn’t mean I forgot about it! I’ve just been very quietly plugging away without talking about it much to anyone. That’s about to change. I’m almost ready for the next step in that project, and I’ll tell you all about it in the March 1 newsletter. 😁
That’s the end of the newsletter for free subscribers. Thanks so much for reading - and I hope you have a fabulous week!
If you’re a paid subscriber - keep reading to get your 50% off discount code below my signature. 🥰
Happy stitching!