If you’re looking for something fun for this coming Sunday check out The Rose City Folk Chorus + Singalong.

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I'll look into it - thanks!

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Yes I agree about pacing the work. When I start a quilt or applique pillowcase, I am desperate to finish it to see the result and I end up sewing at 2 in the morning. Not very clever.

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My brain does NOT work well late at night. Sewing at 2 am has led me to SO MANY HOURS of seam ripping. 😕

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You wrote what I needed to hear. Thank you. Working a little each day, why didn’t I get that myself? I get bogged down thinking of what I need to do and then don’t do anything. ❤️❤️❤️

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I think the world right now is full of life hacks and productivity hacks that make us feel like if we just figure out the right formula and get the right combination of apps, we can get everything done. In that context, "just do what you can a little bit at a time" feels ridiculously simple - but I think it really works. 🥰

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